Workers Compensation Claims

We are certified by New York State to treat Workers’ Compensation patients.

You can be treated for injuries sustained at work at no cost and be paid for your time out from work. Regular treatment is important in establishing your case because we have to file your medical reports with your Workers’ Compensation insurance company and the Workers’ Compensation Board regularly to continue your case and getting you paid.

Even when you return to work, you can still receive treatment free, as long as the “paperwork” has been done properly.

You are eligible for workers' compensation regardless of your “alien” status even if you work off the books or are an undocumented worker.

To establish a workers’ compensation case, an employee must prove that there is or was an injury, illness or disability arising out of and in the course of employment and that adequate notice to the employer was given and a medical report stating that a work-related accident or condition was the cause of the injury, illness or disability. If you did not file a compensation claim immediately, you may do so up to two years after your accident.

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